여성이 남성보다 스마트폰 오래봐.."의존도·불안감↑"
#스마트폰 의존도, 스마트폰 중독 해결방법 자가진단 문제점 중학생 방지 어플 사례 스마트폰 중독에 빠진 아이들 실태조사 예방교육 조사 예방법@
This was shown by women using smartphones more time than men, according to the "relationship of dependency and insecurity smartphone 'papers smartphone operating time of less than two hours per day and 12.5% women, 33.5 2-4 hours, 4-6 31.1% of the time, more than six hours, 22.9% were male and 29.4% in less than two hours, 2-4 hours, 41.4%, 18.6%, 4-6 hours, 10.8% more than 6 hours.
Rate touched a day for more than four hours phone is higher than that of women (54%) and men (29.4%) to use applications are female social network service (SNS) 52%, search 21% Games 18%, such was the order of men was 39%, such as SNS, search 24%, 24% games.