구의역 추모 트위터 곤욕 치른 안철수 대표
#안철수 발언논란, 컵라면 여유 트위터 쯧쯧@
Standing Joint Representative Ahn people through the SNS party for Mr. Kim (19) died in Seoul Guui Station "may have had a little margin had taekhaeteul less risky," he told one was controversial.
Nicolas Cheong Jin-suk / saenuri per floor leader
"I promise a recurrence preventive measures whenever such accidents happen Why did not keep that promise?"
In addition to the Democratic Party and the people, per definition, including the opposition went to cancel all debates and discussions on the schedule which was planned or existing smoke and ran to Guui Station.
Gimjongin / representatives, with the Democrats
"The third is called thinking I'm not even thinking first ... did not you take any action?"
Party floor leader Park Ji-won's / National
"I feel a boundless sense of responsibility in Parliament daehaeseon that this is happening to biilbijae."
Simsangjeong / representative per definition
- "This is clearly a murder inde ... what happened happened because the block is prevented."